Sunday 2 March 2014

2nd March 1814: The Treasury Solicitor informs the Home Office about his views on Nadin's expenses

Lincolns Inn
March 2. 1814

Mr. Hobhouse presents Complts. to Mr. Beckett, and returns Mr. Nadin's Memorial, & the accompanying Documents received from Mr. Beckett on the 26th ulto. Although on the Inspection of Mr. Nadin's Charges there certainly does not appear to be any Claim for his personal Labour, yet the Amount of some of those Items which are charged as Disbursements, leads to a strong Suspicion that a considerable Profit on them must have occurred to himself. W.H. makes this Observation, not with a View of subjecting the Bill to Revision, which he thinks would at this time be useless, but as it may weigh something in deciding on the question of Mr. Nadin's ulterior Remuneration. W.H. regards Nadin as a very useful Police Officer, whom it is desirable to render chearful in the Execution of his Duty, & on this Ground he presumes to think it would not be amiss, particularly after the long Delay wch has occurred in paying his Bill, to present him with a moderate Gratuity.

With regard to the Derbyshire Cases, in respect of which Nadin thinks himself [badly] treated, it is fit to observe that Government has neither directly nor indirectly had any Concern in them. W.H. knows not by whom Nadin was employed, nor by whom the Prosecution were conducted; but he apprehends that the 5 Convictions entitle the Prosecutor to 5 Rewards of £40 each besides Tyburn Tickets, out of which Nadin probably had, & certainly was entitled to have, a considerable Share

This letter can be found at HO 42/137.

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